Moroccan Decor

Moroccan DecorIf you're planning to refurbish your entire home, you could consider combining some Moroccan decor with Moroccan furniture to bring about a complete transformation and fresh look to the rooms in your house. Here are some suggestions to consider making use of a nice Moroccan theme.

Colors Play An Important Role

When it comes to decorating your home with Moroccan furnishings, your house does not have to look like an antique shop. Some people may have this idea that if they decide to get some Moroccan furnishings, their house may end up looking really ancient or dull. Well, it does not have to be that way. You can choose to brighten up your home by painting the walls with different colors. To brighten up your home, choose white or cream colors. Because if you're planning to buy lots of Moroccan furniture which is usually made of wood and brass, you might as well make your home look bright and not dark. Check out some of the many different Moroccan lamps and you will see what I mean. To add more color to your home, you could get some colorful Moroccan pillows or poufs. That will really rock.

Use Moroccan Tiles

You could also decorate your home with colorful Moroccan tiles. Whether you prefer to use them as flooring or as decoration, you can be sure that they are never dull. Some home owners prefer to use them as part of the wall in their kitchen, bathroom or living room. Some even use them as their kitchen table top. Framing them up to hang like a painting is also a creative idea. The fun part is to create your own design by putting several of these tiles together.

Most Used Moroccan Furnishings

Other Moroccan decor and furnishings that are widely used would be furniture, lanterns, mirrors, benches, sofas, and beds. You will be very impressed with some of the furniture that is made of leather. They are very comfortable to use. And if you want to get something for the kitchen, some Moroccan tagines would be great as you could whip up some Moroccan cuisine with them. If you happen to have a large room, you could partition the room with some authentic room dividers which is usually made of wood and intricately carved.


As you can see, decorating your own home with some of these Moroccan decor is simple and you could end up with a very beautiful home. Be as creative as you like and enjoy the process along the way.